Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Contact Form Marketing And How Does It Work?

Websites all have a “contact us” or similar page where they will display their contact phone numbers, emails, and a contact form. These forms are used by site visitors who may have a question or just want to reach out to the website with some type of concern. Enter Contact Form Marketing. Using specially designed software that can detect all the varieties of forms and bypass any security features such as captcha tests we can post your ad text to literally millions of websites worldwide.

How Fast Can You Post To A Million Sites?

On average it takes us 1 - 2 days to complete a campaign to a million sites.

What's The Best Kind Of Ad Message To Use?

The shorter the better. Remember that contact forms are put on websites as a way for potential customers to send a quick question to the site owner so ads that look like ads are not generally well received. For example if you're selling web design service instead of using the usual ad like "we offer competitive design and seo services, bla bla bla" you're better off using a simple conversation starter like "I noticed there was a problem with your site, get back to me please" and when they reply back offer them a free website health evaluation or something like that. This approach is better received and will get you higher quality leads.

Do You Provide Proof That All Posts Were Sent? 

Absolutely, you will receive detailed screenshots every day showing how many submissions were successful and how many failed. Note that you are only charged for successful submissons so for example if you order 1 million submissions then we will keep adding more until 1 million have been successfully sent.

How Do I Order?

If you have already viewed our pricing plans and are ready to place an order please go ahead and contact us here and we will send you a secure link where you can order and pay with your credit card.

Is Contact Form Blasting Spam?

Not at all, according to the CANSPAM act, as long as you have an unsubscribe mechanism in place then you're not spamming.

Are There Any Targeting Options Available?

Yes absolutely, take a look at our pricing page here for more details.

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect?

As with any kind of advertising, results will vary depending on many factors such as the effectiveness of your offer, your sales process, the time of year you are running your campaign, the current state of the economy, etc. In general a campaign of a million will typically provide anywhere from 5 to 20 leads but that number can go as high as 100 if your offer is very enticing.